Monday, February 27, 2017

The Lord is holy! He is our righteousness! He is our purifier!

Refiner & Purifier (Mal3:3) Growth
Holy-Isa6:3; 57:15
Holy & Reverend-Ps111:9
Holy & True-Rev6:10
Holy One & the Just-Acts2:27; 3:14
Holy One of Israel-Isa49:7
Jehovah-Mekaddishkem (The Lord our Sanctifier)-Lev20:8
Jesus Christ the Righteous-1Jn2:1
Lamb without Blemish-1Pt1:19
Lord our Righteousness-Jer23:6
Mediator of the New Covenant-Heb12:24
Minister of the Sancuary-Heb8:2
Most Holy-Dan9:24
Propititation for our Sins-1Jn2:2
Root out of Dry Ground-Isa53:2
Tender Grass-2Sam23:4

The Lord is truly our foundation, our rock and strong tower! We can take comfort in Him!

A Sure Foundation (Isa28:16) Stability
Covenent of the People-Isa42:6
My Rock of Refuge-Ps31:2
My Stay-2Sam22:19; Ps18:18
Refuge from the Stork-Isa25:4
Rock of my Salvation-2Sam22:7
Strong Lord-Ps89:8
Strong Tower-Nah1:7

That Spiritual Rock-1Cor10:4

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Greetings! It's been too long since my last blog entry. Thought that I would post several entries on the names of God/El #namesofgod that we find in the scriptures! My hope in that through we can come to understand, know, love and take comfort in our Lord/Elohim #lord #elohim in a more perfect and complete way!

Ps. 91:14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

A Wall of Fire (Zech2:5) Protection
Brightness of His Glory-Heb1:3
Consuming Fire-Heb12:29
Cover from the Tempest-Isa32:2
Hiding Place From the Wind-Isa32:2
Jehovah-Nissi (the Lord is my banner)-Ex17:15
Jehova-Shammah (the Lord is there)-Ez48:35
My High Tower-Ps144:2
My Shield-Ps115:11
Refiner & Purifier-Mal3:3
Refuge from the Storm-Isa25:4
Shadow from the Heat-Isa25:4
Sun & Shield-Ps84:11
Wall in Judah-Ezra19:9