There is nothing which is more insulting to the holy name of God than to profess Him with your lips and deny Him with your life.
Many who profess to be Christians are so enamoured by the things of this world, that the love of the Father and His Truth is not in them. They have been blinded by the God of this world and God has given them over to a strong delusion that they should be lies - as is evident by their love and friendship of the world, not realizing that they have given themselves over to other gods and have forsaken the one true God, Who is a jealous God and rightfully so!
You need to stop and examine yourself, your thoughts, your desires, all that you do with Scripture. Why are you driven to such things? Are you honestly pursuing to love God with all that you are? Denying yourself of earthly pleasures. Always putting Him first and even others before yourself. Or do you still enjoy flirting with the world?
Like I have said, so many professing Christians have deceived themselves as they chose not to be holy, set apart, or not to be unequally yoked with the things of this world, but rather have chosen to be buddies with it. It appears they don't know what it means to be set apart from the world and wholly devoted to God. We are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked! Repent! Seek God! Amend your ways! Not later, NOW!
Sin is truly in the camp and the leadership must like it that way. Maybe they practice the wickedness of the world themselves. Maybe they are also under the strong delusion God has aloud because they do not have an honest love of His Truth. How often have you seen "church" discipline? We are in dire need of it!
This post will probably get likes from the very people I'm trying to wake up. Even as the Lord told Ezekiel, that they hear your words. They will like what you say, but they will not do them. Instead they will continue to run to the worldly things they covet.
How much time do you spend in the Word of God? Many preachers set the bar so low it's no wonder that those who should know and put it into practice don't. I'm sure most of you do not spend near enough time in it. Why? For most there is no honestly good reason. There's no better time than the present to get off your phone, off of FB and all the worldly endeavors that will not amount to a hill of beans in eternity. We will all individually stand before the righteous Judge and give an account for our self. Will Jesus call you a good and faithful steward? Or will He say that He never knew you despite all your supposed religious Christian activities that is nothing more than smoke in His eyes that is detestable to Him because you practice unrighteousness?
I could give numerous examples of worldliness in our lives and in God's called out assembly, yet you need to get into His Word for yourself and prayer and take an honest assessment of yourself to start. How thorns come in and choked the Word? Are the roots exposed on the rocks in the hot sun? Examine yourself! Take ernest heed! Bring yourself into subjection! Your life is a vapor. Here today, gone tomorrow. Sow to yourself in righteousness today!