Authentic believers in Christ simply cannot fit into the world’s system. We are supposed to be different. We have different values, a different Lord, and a completely different agenda.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Are You Separated?
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Deceived Hearts? Say It Ain't So!
What? Can a Christian's heart deceive itself to think they can model and imitate the world and think they are still living a set apart, holy life dedicated to the God they say they whole heartedly love and serve? Yes indeed!!!
In Jeremiah 17:9 God tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Jesus also talked about the wickedness that lies in a man's heart in Mark 7:21-23 - saying that all these evil things come from within and defile the man. So truly wickedness lies in the heart of all men, Christians are not exempt! Again, in Jeremiah 17:5 the Lord says that cursed is the man whose heart has departed from the Lord. The Lord spoke through the prophet Ezekiel in 6:9 that His heart is broken in pieces with His people's whorish heart which has departed from Him to chase after the abominable idols they have set up in their heart (14:3; 33:31, etc.).
Yet, the Lord spoke of a generation that always erred in their heart to depart from the Lord. An evil heart of unbelief. A heart hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Heb. 3). Oh, they call Him Lord, but do not the works He has instructed them to do in His Word - Mt. 25:11-12; Lk. 6:46; 1 Jn. 2:3-6.
Oh I can hear the casual Christian filled with the world, having a form of godliness and religiosity - this doesn't speak of me! I'm okay. No one is perfect. And besides, my Christian buddies are doing the same. Yet, Galatians 6:7-8 tells us not to be deceived, that what we sow we will reap! Have you in all your ways been sowing the fruits of righteousness (Jam. 3:18; Prov. 11:18; Heb. 12:11), or have you rather been plowing wickedness, reaping iniquity and eating the fruit of lies with yours buddies (Hos. 10:13)? Are you an honest doer of the whole Word of God (Jam. 1:22-25)?
Have you deceived yourself into a love of worldly things? (1 Jn. 2:15-17) Have you learned the ways of the ungodly and practice them without a pricked conscience? I have recently observed professing Christians once again observing their own form of Halloween, though with a different name in most cases. The casual observer notices no difference! The apostle Paul asks the Corithians what partnership does righteousness have with unrighteousness? What portion or part has does a believer share with an unbeliever? What fellowship has light with darkness? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? Why? Because we are the temple of God and He has called us to separate ourselves from such things! He calls us to cleanse ourselves from such wickedness and live in holiness in the fear of God! Alas, have you separated yourself, dearly beloved and elect of the Father? Or have you turned your heart after other gods/idols to serve and worship them? (Dt. 8:19; 11:16)
Remember that God is light and there is no darkness in Him (1 Jn. 1:5). Moreover if we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the Truth (1 Jn. 1:6). Is the path you are walking as a shining light that shines brighter each day, or is there some darkness lurking in your heart that is causing you to stumble with you even realizing it? (Prov. 4:18-19; Jer. 13:16)
Dear Christian, take heed to your ways. Examine them. Deceive not yourself. Just because others in your circle are doing it, doesn't mean that it is right and well pleasing before the Saviour of our souls and the righteous Judge Who will expose all unfruitful works of darkness. What exposes unfruitful works of darkness? Light of course (Eph. 5:11-13). How is your walk? Are you walking wisely or foolishly? (Eph. 5:15-17; Prov. 13:20) Normally those in darkness hide (Jn. 3:19-21), yet even today, those that name the name of Christ are walking in darkness and are not ashamed to let others know, but rather encourage others to follow the destructive ways (2 Pet. 2:2) and many are happy to do so! Yet, if we name the name of Christ we are to depart from iniquity! 2 Tim. 2:19; Mt. 7:21-23, etc.
Have you aloud yourself to be deceived? Take an inventory of the furthest reaches of your heart. Get into the Word! Ask God to search your heart for any wickedness. When it is found, forsake it and repent and God will be plentious in mercy towards you! Don't delay! Get right with Him today!
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Nothing More Insulting
There is nothing which is more insulting to the holy name of God than to profess Him with your lips and deny Him with your life.
Many who profess to be Christians are so enamoured by the things of this world, that the love of the Father and His Truth is not in them. They have been blinded by the God of this world and God has given them over to a strong delusion that they should be lies - as is evident by their love and friendship of the world, not realizing that they have given themselves over to other gods and have forsaken the one true God, Who is a jealous God and rightfully so!
You need to stop and examine yourself, your thoughts, your desires, all that you do with Scripture. Why are you driven to such things? Are you honestly pursuing to love God with all that you are? Denying yourself of earthly pleasures. Always putting Him first and even others before yourself. Or do you still enjoy flirting with the world?
Like I have said, so many professing Christians have deceived themselves as they chose not to be holy, set apart, or not to be unequally yoked with the things of this world, but rather have chosen to be buddies with it. It appears they don't know what it means to be set apart from the world and wholly devoted to God. We are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked! Repent! Seek God! Amend your ways! Not later, NOW!
Sin is truly in the camp and the leadership must like it that way. Maybe they practice the wickedness of the world themselves. Maybe they are also under the strong delusion God has aloud because they do not have an honest love of His Truth. How often have you seen "church" discipline? We are in dire need of it!
This post will probably get likes from the very people I'm trying to wake up. Even as the Lord told Ezekiel, that they hear your words. They will like what you say, but they will not do them. Instead they will continue to run to the worldly things they covet.
How much time do you spend in the Word of God? Many preachers set the bar so low it's no wonder that those who should know and put it into practice don't. I'm sure most of you do not spend near enough time in it. Why? For most there is no honestly good reason. There's no better time than the present to get off your phone, off of FB and all the worldly endeavors that will not amount to a hill of beans in eternity. We will all individually stand before the righteous Judge and give an account for our self. Will Jesus call you a good and faithful steward? Or will He say that He never knew you despite all your supposed religious Christian activities that is nothing more than smoke in His eyes that is detestable to Him because you practice unrighteousness?
I could give numerous examples of worldliness in our lives and in God's called out assembly, yet you need to get into His Word for yourself and prayer and take an honest assessment of yourself to start. How thorns come in and choked the Word? Are the roots exposed on the rocks in the hot sun? Examine yourself! Take ernest heed! Bring yourself into subjection! Your life is a vapor. Here today, gone tomorrow. Sow to yourself in righteousness today!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
A 12 week old baby
Psa. 127:1-2 – God is truly the power in this universe.
Vs. 3 – children are a gift from God himself – HERITAGE = inheritance
Deut. 7:12, 13 – God is no less powerful today than in O.T. times
- 2 Chr. 28:3 – unwanted children- have always plagued mankind
- 2 Chr. 33:6 – they had a quaint expression to cover their murderous deed.
- Luke 1:36-42 – John the Baptist was-six months along when he responded
- Vs. 44 – tells the cause of his leaping
- Vss. 40-44 – – tells this was the -Holy Spirit speaking – not her opinion
- Lev 17:11 – The Lord declares where a man’s life is
- How soon does that little body get blood in it?
- Ecc. 12:7 – God gives that little body a spirit
- When a man takes that spirit from the body . . . destroying God’s work
- Ex 21:22,23 – Accidental miscarriage – was punishable by a fine in O.T.
- Vs. 3 – God counted this as defiling his sanctuary & profaning his name
- Vs. 4,5 – It was a sin not to kill the one who destroyed his child
- True – we are not under the Law of Moses today – however – we can see God’s judgment concerning getting rid of unwanted children
- Psa. 107:41-43 – Wise men know children are a blessing from God
- Who is it that teaches us to hate children?
- These are the same ones who press so hard for abortion
- 1 John 4:3 – The N.T. Christians were warned to watch for these people
· Psa. 127:3-5 -Why would we not want to take our children to heaven?
· Ezekiel 16:20-21¾God claims all children as his.
We may get to keep the children for a few years, but soon they leave home.
¬ We may call them ‘our children’ in the sense that they came through us, but whose are these children in truth?
The least of them
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Contentment in Every Circumstance
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Burning in our hearts
- Tyndale’s Bible was valuable enough to die for. Is your Bible important enough to read?
- Tyndale’s Bible was important enough to smuggle across the gray English Channel. Is it important enough for you to obey?
- Tyndale’s Bible was responsible for lifting the spirits of thousands of Englishmen – carpenters, lawyers, doctors and, yes, the boy behind the plow. Is it important enough for you to live?