Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A worthless tree

“Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, ‘May you never bear fruit again!’ Immediately the tree withered” (Matthew 21:18-19 NIV).

This incident may seem a bit strange and quite harsh to us. It was early morning and Jesus was travelling back to Jerusalem with his disciples. He was hungry – after all, it was breakfast time. They saw a fig tree and went over to it, but there were no figs on it. So Jesus, basically, cursed the tree: “May you never bear fruit again!” Why did Jesus do this?

If we lived in an area where there are fig trees, this would probably make more sense to us. These fig trees produced leaves when they had fruit that was ripe. This incident took place in the spring and normally fig trees did not have fruit on them yet. Yet this fig tree looked like it should have fruit on it – the leaves were there. Yet, when they went up to the tree, there was nothing: no figs whatsoever. It was a deceptive tree.

Some have suggested that this incident was a live-action parable, with the tree representing the Jewish nation of Jesus’ day. They looked to be a healthy tree, with all the signs of life – the sacrifices were being offered in the temple and people were worshiping God. But all was not well – there was no fruit. As a nation, they were not producing fruit in their lives.

Later in this chapter Jesus told a parable about a landowner trying to collect the fruit he was owed from tenants taking care of his vineyard (Matthew 21:33-41). He sent servants to collect what was due and they were beaten, killed, and stoned. Finally he sent his son, thinking they would respect him, but instead they killed him, too, thinking they could then control the vineyard. The landowner then got rid of the original tenants and rented the vineyard to others who would give him his share of the fruit.

Did this not well represent the Jews? God had sent prophets to his people throughout their history, the last being John. Some were beaten, some stoned, and some (including John) were killed. God finally sent his son – and Jesus was within a few days of being publicly executed. What would happen? God would take his kingdom, represented by the vineyard, from the Jews and give it to another group who would produce fruit – the Gentiles.

Although this can be seen to be historical and what happened to the Jews and the good news of Jesus finally being proclaimed to Gentiles, there is a more personal application that we need to make.
Are we producing fruit for God? Are our lives producing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)? Are we being led by the Spirit or are our lives producing the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). If we aren’t producing the Spirit’s fruit, we have a warning: “I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21).

Let us not be a worthless Christian but one who is producing the fruit of Spirit. Let us not just look like we are faithful Christians, like the fig tree which looked like it had fruit, but actually be producing God’s fruit in our lives.

What kind of fruit are our lives producing?

Jon Galloway

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


      “Seeing that these things are thus all to be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness” (II Pet. 3:11) 
Peter, in this section of his second letter is discussing the  total and complete destruction of the world and that we should be looking “for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”  We need to know, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”  (II Pet. 3:10).  To be ready for this day we must be found “in all holy living and godliness”.  To do so, to be ready, we must understand what “Godliness” is.
By Definition:  “Godliness comes from the Greek word “eusebia” and is used in the New Testament to express the idea of inner piety or spirituality.  W. E. Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words defines this word as, ‘piety’, which, characterized by a God-ward attitude, does that which is well pleasing to Him”.  Godliness is the God-ward attitude of reverence and respect.  Along with the desire of doing what is pleasing to God.
How do we know what is Godliness?  The apostle gives us this answer in II Peter 1:3  “…seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and  godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue.”  Where there is no obedience to the truth, God’s Word (John 17:17) there can be no true Godliness or spirituality!
James points out that Godliness is not what man thought it to be. “If a brother or sister be naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you say unto them Go in peace be ye warmed and filled; and yet ye give them not the things needful to the body; body; what doth it profit?”           Rather he tells us that Godliness is Doing:  “Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself       unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27).  In this verse he also tells us that Godliness is Keeping oneself unspotted from the world.  Christians have been “called out” of the world, and are to separate themselves from sin.  (II Cor. 6:17; 7:1).
Christians (Godliness) are a people… Characterized by service…Motivated by love…Dedicated to warfare against evil…Devoted to spreading the gospel.
A Godly Person Seeks God On His Terms.  Cornelius was called a devout man because he sought to please God (Acts 10:2).  The word “devout” is a form of the word for “Godliness.”  That Cornelius was devout can be seen in his response to the preaching of the  gospel.  (Acts 10:44-48).
A Godly Person Worships God in ‘Spirit and in Truth’ (John 4:24).  Whenever one follows God’s will on how to worship Him, then one is being Godly.  Worship is our attempt to give something of ourselves to God.  It is the ‘fruit of our lips’ (Heb. 13:15) the presenting of our bodies as a ‘living sacrifice’  (Rom. 12:1).
A Godly Person Shows Respect and Reverence for God by Studying and Obeying His Word.  Oftentimes we are told that our response to God’s Word is directly related to our relationship with God.  For example Jesus said,  “If you love me, keep my commandments”  (John 14:15).  To respect God we must respect His Word.
A Godly Person Is One Who Acts Properly, Reacts Properly, And Leaves No Doubt In Anyone’s Mind That He/She Is A Child Of GodGod is seen in this person from the inside out and from the outside in.
By Frank Briscoe          

Evaluating a hymn

The first surprise might be that we should evaluate a hymn at all. Yet why should we not? If our hymns are to be sung not only with spirit but with our minds (1 Corinthians 14:15), then we should think about the songs we sing. If our hymns are to allow “the word of Christ [to] dwell in [us] richly as [we] teach and admonish” each other (Colossians 3:16), then we should think about what our hymns teach.
So how ought we to evaluate a song? What questions might we ask of it?
  • What category is this song? Can you categorize the song? Is it a prayer set to music, an anthem of praise, one where we “speak to one another,” or encourage one another.
  • Are the words God-centered? We could ask whether the words are God-centered, mention Christ or the Holy Spirit. It would be hard to call it a spiritual song if it does not mention one of these three.
  • Is it drawn from Scripture? As you read the words of the song, are you reminded of a passage or passages of Scripture by these words? Identify the passage, and if the hymnbook is yours, write it in the margin of the song. If it does not remind you of a Bible passage, that might be a sign it is not spiritual writing.
  • Does the music serve the words? Does the music serve the words well? How does the music help the words? Some songs are contemplative, such as Isaac Watts’ When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Others are victorious, such as Fanny Crosby’s Praise Him! Praise Him! Some songs have both elements, such as Robert Lowey’s Low in the Grave He Lay. In this song, the verses’ solemn words (Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my savior”) are followed by a triumphant chorus (“Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes”). As you recall, the solemn music of the verse fits those words, while the music of the chorus soars higher and higher as the thoughts rise.
  • What is the song’s key phrase? Is there a phrase that really stands out in this song? Sometimes there is a line that makes a particular song sublime. I think of the Norwegian hymn Then Sings My Soul when the author notes: “And when I think/ That God his son not sparing/ Sent him to die/ I scarce can take it in” or Brumley’s classic line: “And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.”
If we simply asked these questions, we will have done something people rarely do; we will have thought about the songs we sing. Don’t you think the spiritual well-being of our congregation deserves at least that much effort?

Stan Mitchell

Monday, March 27, 2017

He is the Word of God!

The Bright & Morning Star (Rev22:16) Awakening
Brightness of His Glory-Heb1:3
Chief among 10k-Song5:10
Day Star-2Pt1:19
Dayspring from On High-Lk1:78
Light of Israel-Isa10:17
Light of the Morning-2Sam23:4
Morning Star-Rev2:28
Root of David-Rev22:16
Star out of Jacob-Nm24:17
Sun & Shield-Ps84:11
Tender Grass-2Sam23:4

Word of God-Rev19:13

Sunday, March 26, 2017

He is the bread of life!

The Bread of Life (Jn6:35) Nourishment
Bread of God-Jn6:33
Bread of Life-Jn6:35
Christ Our Life-Col3;4
God of my life-Ps42:8
Grain Offering-Lev2:1-10
Grain of Wheat-Jn12:24
He Who Lives-Rev1:18
Hidden Manna-Rev2:17
Living Bread-Jn6:51
Portion-Ps73:26; 119:57
Portion of My Inheritance-Ps16:5
Prince of Life-Acts3:15
Resurrection & the Life-Jn11:25
True Bread from Heaven-Jn6:32

Way, the Truth, & the Life-jn14:6

Saturday, March 25, 2017

He is King of kings and Lord of lords!

The Lord Our Glory (1Cor2:7,8) Majesty
Blessed & Only Potentate-1Tim6:15
Chiefest among 10k-Song5:10
Crown of Glory-Isa28:5
Diadem of Beauty-Isa28:5
Glorious Throne to His Father's house-Isa22:23
God of Glory-Acts7:2
Great king above All God's-Ps95:3
High & Lofty One-Isa57:15
Hope of Glory-Col1:27
Jehovah-Elyon(The Lord Most High)-Ps7:17
King in His Beauty-Isa33:17
King of Glory-Ps24:7,10
King of israel-Jn1:49
King of Jacob-Isa41:21
King of Kings-Rev17:14
King of Saints-Rev15:2
King over all the Earth-Zech14:9
Lily of the valley-Song2:1
Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ-2Pt3:18
Lord from Heaven-1Cor15:47
Lord Most High-Ps47:2
Lord of Lords-Rev17:14
Majestic Lord-Isa33:21
Most High-Ps18:13
Prince & Saviour-Acts5:30,31
Prince of Princes-Dan8:25
Righteous Judge-2Tim4:8
Rose of Sharon-Song2:1
Ruler over the kings of the Earth-Rev1:5
Sharp Sword-Isa49:2

Your King--Zech9:9

Friday, March 24, 2017

He is the Savior of the world!

The Deliverer (Rm11:26) Liberation
Angel of His presence-Isa63:9
Author of Eternal Salvation-Heb5:9
Branch of Righteousness-Jer23:5
Door of the Sheep-Jn10:7
Eternal Life-1Jn5:20
Firstborn from the Dead-Rev1:5
God My Savior-Lk1:47
Horn of Salvation-Lk1:69
Lamb w/o Blemish-1Pt1:19
Man of Sorrows-Isa53:3
Man of War-Ex15:3
Messenger of the Covenant-Mal3:1
Saviour of the World-1Jn4:14
Son of Mary-Mk6:3

Tower of Salvation-2Sam22:51