It still amazes me how those in "churchdom" cannot see or figure out what is REALLY going on. What do I mean by that? To be specific, I am referring to the 1st Amendment. I'm sure you may have heard it or be familiar with. To refresh ones's memory it is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
It's pretty simple. Even the "church" understands it. Did you know that the "church" is a tax exempt entity? If you do not know what that means, a study on your part would be good (hint, hint).
Recently, with the veto of the bill in Georgia, people are crying out that the "church's" 1st Amendment right is being violated. When in fact, for the most part, the "church" by and large waved their 1st Amendment rights for the 501(c)3 privileges. What? You read that right. The "church", mostly out of ignorance, went to the government and asked to become a non-profit corporation and receive benefits from the government. The "church" made a "covenant", an agreement to abide by government rules so they can be a non-profit corporation. Therefore, the "church" has left their status under the 1st Amendment to receive the governments 501(c)3 status.
So the "church" must abide by what the government declares as except-able, like LGTB movement and their marriage. My blog post on 3/26/16 has shown a number of things that the "church" must abide by in order to remain compliant and not receive penalties like fines, jail time and even revocation of their non-profit status.
Why then do "churches" remain under the sanctions of the government through the 501(c)3? That is a good question! The answer will vary, but I have found that one reason is because of ignorance. They simply do not understand that they are not considered a "church" since the day they submitted to the government to be a non-profit corporation. Another reason I have found personally is money. Yes, money. Will the preacher have to get a "real" job now to support himself? Will they be able to pay the mortgage on the building? Will people stop giving if it doesn't show on their W2's? You can see why money is an issue.
Yet, what would Jesus do? Did He go to Caesar to build His "church"? No. Do we read in the book of Acts that Paul established the "church" in each community by going to the government , filling out forms, etc.? No.
So, where does your "church" stand? If you are a non-profit, you are not really being persecuted. You are being disciplined be the government for not abiding by the agreement that you made with them. Preachers often sight Romans 13 as why we are to obey the government. They also like to use Acts 5:29 when they refuse to abide by the agreement. If your "church" would wake up and see the "truth" of their status as a non-profit corporation and NOT as a "church" you would think that they would get out of it. If they don't you will have to question why. Think of the spiritual implications. What is pleasing before God? What will you and your "church" do?
If you would like to learn more, you can read my blog post on 3/26/16 for starters.
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