Where are men like John the baptist, who came in the spirit of Elijah?
John was a man that exposed sin, and called repentance to all and salvation for all through the Lamb of God (Jn. 1:29). For the common man (Mt. 3:5; Lk. 3:10-11), the tax collectors (Lk. 3:12-13), the soldiers (Lk. 3:14), the religious leaders (Mt. 3:7), and even the political rulers (Lk. 3:19).
How many preachers are like that today? Many won't do anything about sin or false doctrine in their own congregation, let alone call out political leaders and their sins. They just tend to sugar coat and gloss over sins.
Why? There are many reasons for this, the primary being that they were taught error from their youth, or during their studies to be a preacher, or even after they began preaching through other influential preachers or even the cry of their flock, turned them to error.
We also see that John was like the apostles, in that he was an unlearned and ignorant man (Acts 4:13), in that he didn't go to a religious school to learn. Man didn't ordain him to preach or he wouldn't have been preaching in the wilderness (Lk. 7:24-26). He stood apart, unstained and untainted from the system. He would not have been a part of the 501(c)3 system that preachers and flocks belong to today, but rather would have exposed and condemned them for what they really are.
He was a man that lived a life of self-denial. Look at his dress and diet and his abode. The world was certainly crucified to him! Look at the many preachers that some would say have the best of both worlds today, which if you are in Christ, that can't honestly be said.
Because of his preaching against sin all men didn't speak well of him. The religious and political leaders most certainly despised him and it was eventually at the command of king Herod that he lost his head. Today, some preachers may preach against sin and receive many "amens" from the pew sitters, yet, where is the repentance from those sins preached against? They are like those in Ezekiel's day that loved to hear him preach but afterwards continued in their sins (Ez. 33:30-32).
Again, where are the preachers like John today? Making waves. Upsetting the status quo. Stirring up the hornet's nest. Setting themselves apart from the religious system of our day? Pointing all to a holy walk before the Lord.
Have you looked in the mirror lately? Are you a doer of the Word and not a hearer only? Do you relish the praise of men more than the praise of God? Have you cast aside your Head and made another man and their 501(c)3 system your head instead? Do you preach against sin, yet continue to indulge in it yourself? Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Gal. 6:7).
Arise! Stand up and go forth! Some have not the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame (1 Cor. 15:34)
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