8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; - Col. 3:8-9
Oh that we would take heed to these inspired words and have the fear of God in our hearts to obey them. Alas, it seems that His fear is not in many, especially those that call themselves His preachers of righteousness, the stewards of the mysteries of God, whose cup is clean on the outside yet filthy on the inside.
Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Mt. 12:34) and we can know what evil and good lies in a person's heart by what comes out of it (Lk. 6:45).
Unfortunately, the tongue (or even our voice on social media) is an unruly, unrestrained evil at times, full of deadly poison (Jam. 3:8). I've seen this unfortunately in more preachers than I'd care to count. Looking back at the main text of this post we are to put off the deeds of the old man, like lying - if its not true, its a lie. There are no shades of grey, yet like the false prophets of old preachers today are into speaking lies and sadly are comforted and encouraged by other preachers to continue in them, tickling each others ears with smooth words.
The main text today also tells us not to blasphem, to slander, to reproach, to scorn, to disdain, etc, yet preachers are doing it this very day! If they are claiming that Biden is not president, this is what they are doing. They are overtaken with other evils as well like lying, pride arrogance, etc. If you are an American citizen, Joe Biden has officially been sworn in as president. That's the cold hard facts whether we like them or not. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12). The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (2 Cor. 10:3).
Is Biden furthering wickedness as clearly shown in the holy scriptures? Indeed! It is our call as the saints of light to expose this darkness! Yet, to not respect the office of the president, whom God has ordained to fulfill His purpose for this nation and the world at this time is also coming against God which has appointed Biden at this time. It also comes against His Word that commands us to honor and respect those in authority. In fact, one characteristic of a false teacher is that they blasphem, reproach, scorn, reject, etc those in authority (2 Pet. 2:10; Jude 1:8). Is your preacher, elder, etc doing this? Beware what you are being fed! Call them out on it. If they do not humble themselves and repent, remove them until the time that they do. If they refuse to repent? Well, I'm persuaded of better things than that, so keep praying and manifesting the fruit of the Spirit, being a Christ-like example for them to follow.
In continuation, a preacher instead of poisoning the flock which was purchased with the precious blood of the Great Shepard of the sheep, which you are appointed to oversee, to watch over their very souls, beware this poison you are feeding them.
Are any of you preachers without sin? What do you think of the flock when they disrespect you as God's authority over them? They see some of your sins and therefore believe you are not worthy to have authority over the well being of their souls. What if they said that your are not their preacher, but their former preacher is still their preacher even though they are long gone? What if they even declared that they have no preacher, though the fact is you are their preacher even though they refuse to except it?
Beware the seeds you are sowing. God is not mocked. For you will reap what you sow. Let us all humble ourselves. Get on our knees and seek out the will of our Lord not only for our own life, but for all that follow Christ that we may shine forth as lights in this crooked and perverse nation to the saving of souls.
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